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A Call to ConsciousnesS

Decoding Life's Mysteries from an Eggshell

Designed for individuals thirsty for deeper understanding, this collection embarks on an odyssey through the intricacies of the human experience. Starting from the innocence of infancy and progressing to the complexities of adulthood, each chapter offers a unique perspective on life, consciousness, and purpose. It resonates with those who seek enlightenment beyond societal norms and yearn to unravel the mysteries of existence. With a focus on heightened consciousness and self-awareness, this book beckons seekers to break free from mental and societal constraints. Whether pondering the illusions of modern love or the distortions of reality in social media, it speaks to those navigating the paradoxes of contemporary life. If you're drawn to explore the depths of consciousness and the profound questions of human existence, this book is your guiding light on the intricate journey of self-discovery.


The Ovum's CODE

by Michael George

This collection explores various aspects of human experience, covering topics such as life, consciousness, and purpose. Each chapter presents a unique narrative, starting with innocent perspectives and progressing to nuanced insights. Throughout, there's a recurring theme of heightened consciousness and breaking free from constraints. The collection addresses paradoxes of modern life and invites readers to ponder the question of existence.

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Available now on Paperback, eBook, and Audiobook
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Sneak Peek: Excerpts from
The Ovum's Code

Sneak Peek


Let's embark on an exploration, an experiment that delves into the duality of your existence—the current you and the envisioned version of yourself. Picture the first iteration, the you of today, a persona entangled in a web of ceaseless thoughts. These thoughts, a dissonance ranging from personal relationships to work-related concerns, ambitions, financial worries, family matters, and the myriad complexities of daily life, collectively shape your state of happiness. They hold the reins, steering the course of your peace of mind.
Now, shift your focus to the second version

Sneak Peek

Breaking Mental Chains: From Slavery to Mastery

One thing to envision in mind is that life works essentially like a blank canvas awaiting its work. The mind acts as the brush, thoughts as the paints, and life as the canvas. Let's embark on a visual exercise: picture yourself in the ocean, attempting to swim back to the shore amidst relentless waves. The struggle intensifies, fatigue sets in, and panic looms. Now, step back from this exercise. Was the experience pleasant? Unlikely. Yet, comprehend that what you just underwent was a mental creation, a narrative you willingly painted. Now, envision the implications when you unwittingly craft negative images of your life daily through your consciousness.

Sneak Peek

Breaking Free from Self-Imposed Prisons

At the core of our life's struggles lies one of the most significant contributors — our desires and wishes. While some argue that desires serve as mere motivators for conquest, the harsh reality is that they often spring from indulgence rather than genuine love. Consider the scenario where one dreams of a grand mansion with 25 rooms, equipped with all the opulence such a residence can offer. Initially, the fulfillment of this dream seems instantaneous, a sense of accomplishment coursing through every inch of the vast abode. Yet, as time unfolds, the mansion transforms from a symbol of triumph into a familiar dwelling. Most rooms remain unexplored, as the sheer size renders daily navigation impractical.

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